John Lennon said it best: We're Bigger Than Jesus

Wednesday, January 5

She found, "The Fountainhead"

Ayn Rand,
You haven't seemed to persuade many people with your inability to conceive the natural emotional relationships people have with their things, and the people whom surround them. Yet that never stopped you, as you ruthlessly lived your life with the Objectivism life style and philosophy of thinking. I'm fearful to read what you have to say, on the regards of the citizens of the United States. I do know, though, that I must read your book in order to pass my AP lit class. This is a sad reality I wish not to face. I was forewarned of your persuasive literature, and how it can influence utterly irrational and abnormal behavior; so I solemnly swear, Ayn Rand, you may have a a hay stack of followers, but I do not conform.


Tuesday, January 4

Today's our new tomorrow & tomorrow's already gone

Broken down, and beaten. It doesn't get any better than having to mend a mend that's broken from the inside out. Intellectually speaking, I'm absent. Emotionally speaking, I wish I weren't here. Cliche, and annoying.